Faith Formation

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    Children & Family Life

    The Archdiocese of Seattle requires all volunteers who have ongoing, unsupervised contact with minors or vulnerable adults to take part in the Safe Environment program. In order to help with Children's Ministry and Faith formation you must complete a criminal background check and take a Safe Environment Class.

    Welcome to SJV Children & Family Life

    Contact Laura Stanger for information about Religious Education 425-823-0787 x109.

    Celebrating Children at St. John Vianney Parish

    To the parents of young children, may we suggest… relax, God put the wiggle in children, don’t feel you have to suppress it in His house.

    • Sit toward the front where it is easy for children to see and hear.
    • Help your child follow along in the Mass by using the Magnifikid booklets provided by the hospitality ministers as you enter church.
    • Sing the hymns, pray the prayers and voice the responses. Children learn liturgical behavior by watching you.
    • If you need to leave mass with your child, please feel free to do so, but please come back.
    • Remember that the way we welcome children into the church directly affects the way they respond to the Church. Let them know they are at home in this liturgical space.

    Parish Nursery

    The parish nursery is free and staffed during the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses. You can find the nursery at the bottom of the stairs. The sound system from the church is pumped into the nursery. If you would like to stay downstairs with your child, you may, and you can still hear what is going on in the liturgy. The nursery is recommended for children 1-4 years old.

    Children's Liturgy of the Word

    Children’s Liturgy runs throughout the year. Children can join the dismissal during the 11:00am Sunday Mass. There is no registration fee or form required. Parents are welcome to join their kids too.

    If you feel called to help break open the Word of God with children at Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Laura would love to have your help! We can work together to help you lead them into the Good News of the Gospel, and you will grow in your own understanding of the God’s Holy Word. It will require a background check and Safe Environment training, but the rewards are life giving! Schedule the sessions you want to lead - it is a very flexible ministry with as much or as little commitment as you want to offer. Please let Laura know if you want more information or have any questions,


    Catholic Kids' Catechism Club

    Become a member of the club! Get initiated into this year's Catechism Club! Along with membership you will receive a 10% discount at all Snapdoodle toy stores in the area!

    Kids will meet challenges throughout the year to accumulate points and learn about their faith.

    • 3-year-olds through kindergarteners Catechism club  will be conducted during our 9:00am Mass time. We will  use the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Seeds as our curriculum for Early Childhood Faith Formation. Our sessions begin in room #6 and then the children move into the preschool classroom to finish their session.  Parents will pick the children up in room #3 after the 9:00am Mass is over.
    • Elementary Children’s Faith Formation Catholic Kids' Catechism Club sessions are held down stairs in room #6.
      • 1st- 5th Graders Catholic Kids’ Catechism Club house meetings will meet from 9:55am until 10:55am on Sunday mornings. (We encourage families to attend the Mass together before or after our classes.)
      • We will also have a 1-5th grade session of Catholic Kids' Catechism Club on Monday Nights from 7:00-8:00pm.

    Parent and adult clubhouse leaders are needed! Be a CKCC coach!

    2025 Summer Vacation Bible Camp

    June 23-26, 2025!

    Theme to be Announced!


    Mom’s Morning Out

    Children ages 1-5 are invited to join us in the parish nursery from 9:30am until 12 noon each Wednesday, registration is required. Parents can drop off their children for childcare while their parent is free to get things done on their own. There is a registration form to be filled out and there is often a waiting list for this ministry. There is a fee of $15.00 per day per child or $30.00 per family of 3 or more.

    moms morning out

    Sacramental Preparation

    For information about Baptism, First Reconciliation, and First Eucharist, please visit the Sacraments Page.


    St. John Mary Vianney Catholic Preschool

    Please see our Preschool Page for a brochure, registration form, and information about the amazing gift this program is to our children and families.

    preschoollogo-283x300 (1)

    Youth Nights

    Youth Group on the 23rd of February

    February 19th we will be running a bible study for High schoolers at 2pm at the Totem Lake Starbucks

    We invite all Middle School and High School youth to join us on Sunday nights from 5:00-6:30pm in our youth room for Youth Group filled with fun, friendships, and faith. We welcome all youth so bring a friend! We break up into age-appropriate groups so that everyone has a space among peers. See the schedule on our website for more details. Please stay informed via “What’s Up.”


    Summer Dates

    Agape for middle & high schoolers July 27-31


    We will have two spring retreats so save the date for your retreat 🙂

    Middle school Spring retreat April 4, 5, and 6

    High school Spring retreat March 28, 29, and 30

    Fill out our online registration for Highschool retreat!!

    Scholarships are available please reach out to our Youth Minister at


    The Archdiocese of Seattle requires all volunteers who have ongoing, unsupervised contact with minors or vulnerable adults to take part in the Safe Environment program. You must complete a criminal background check and take a Safe Environment Class.

    Fall retreat 2024 5
    middle school fall retreat

    “What’s Up with SJV”

    Or simply “What’s Up” is a weekly email done via Constant Contact that keeps our young people and their parents up to date on youth related items. The sections are Outreach, High School, Middle School, Confirmation Preparation, and Young Adult. Please email – to be added to the distribution list, or with any questions.

    Confirmation Preparation

    Registration for Confirmation closes on February 17th and we will have our final parent information session on February 20th at 6pm in the Saint Jerome room at HFK.

    We will be doing Confirmation in collaboration with Holy Family as a parish family this year.For anyone interested in being Confirmed in the spring please email Daniel Hartmann to schedule a meeting. Both youth and parent must attend this meeting. Prep classes will begin in February.

    We will have our Confirmation Mass on May 14th at 6:30 here at SJV, Holy Family will be joining us for this Mass

    For information about Confirmation classes, please email Daniel Hartmann or Cathleen Ito

    confirmation registration 2025

    Young Adults

    We will have lots of new coming in January so be sure to be following us on our socials to stay most up to date!

    There are many opportunities to get involved in the HFK and SJV Young Adult community. Our Young adult groups are open to parishioners ages 18-39, based on Archdiocesan regulations.


    Line dance Saturday @ HFK - Feb 15th

    Faith & Fellowship Tuesdays @ SJV - Feb 18th

    Faith & Fellowship with Father Val @ HFK - Feb 16th

    Open Gym Sunday nights @ HFK - Feb 23rd

    There are multiple ways to get the information about how to get involved, which can all be found by using our link tree.

    If you have questions about young adult activities reach out to Daniel Hartmann at

    Join The Scroll

    The Scroll is the young adult newsletter from the Archdiocese with all of the events for young adults in the Seattle Archdiocese!

    SJV Faith and Fellow ship
    Young Adult faith formation


    Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

    For information about becoming Catholic, please visit Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults on the Sacraments page.


    Faith & Brew

    SJV Faith & Brew is a group of adults 21+ who enjoy faith sharing and socializing. We are enthusiastic active parishioners who desire to better learn the Catholic faith, value spiritual growth, and help each other lead holier lives.

    Website Faith _ Brew _5_

    Wednesday Morning Faith Sharing

    New people are always welcome! We meet after weekday Mass every Wednesday for about an hour to discuss the readings for the following Sunday. We use the Sunday By Sunday leaflet to help us all understand more about what the readings mean for our everyday lives. Come and give us a try!

    Bible and Other Studies

    We have a number of ongoing classes. Call the parish office if you are interested in joining.

    We also have series of educational videos on the SJV Kirkland Adult Faith Formation YouTube channel that you can watch to learn more about the richness of Catholicism and that can help to deepen your faith. The following playlists are available on YouTube:


    Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home

    Inspired by Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home, we've begun a regular blog that alternates between practical steps that we can take to preserve our common home and reflections on the Bible, theology, and science that can help us to reorient our thinking about our relationship to God and His creation.

    pope francis

    Cana Commission

    The Cana Commission provides opportunities to help strengthen marriages. Our previous events include: Living "I Do" Every Day Dinner, Happy Hour for Happy Marriages with Taproot Theater, Advent Prayer Service for Married Couples, The Little Way of Marriage with Nathan & Sarah Bartel, 50+ Anniversary Celebration, and the Newlywed Game. Childcare is always available, along with a good time with other couples on the sacramental journey.

    Past Events:


    Annual Men's & Women's Retreats

    Save the dates! The retreats are in Union Washington at the St. Andrew’s Episcopal Retreat Center on the Hood Canal. Not only will you experience time away at a wonderful lodge, delicious food, and beautiful scenery, but you will also get to know people in our parish, and have time to reflect on your relationship with God. More information will be available at the end of the month. Please contact  Laura Stanger with questions.


    Men's Retreat

    Check out the slideshow from our last Men's Retreat at St. Andrew's Retreat Center on the Hood Canal. Hope you can join us July 12-14, 2024!

    Women’s Retreat

    Join us July 21-23, 2023! We have reserved St. Andrew’s Retreat Center on the Hood Canal. It is a wonderful get away for women of all ages. No cooking or cleaning up after meals!

    Climb your Holy Mountain! We will be guided by the Beatitudes and the Saints and help one another climb that Holy Mountain to Heaven!

    Safe Environment

    Thank you so much for volunteering your time to help here at St. John Mary Vianney Catholic Church. In order to volunteer at our Parish, the Archdiocese of Seattle requires all church personnel (defined as clergy, employees and volunteers who have ongoing, unsupervised contact with minors or vulnerable adults) to take part in the Safe Environment program in three ways:

    1. Successfully undergo a criminal background check every three years.
    2. Complete the Protecting God’s Children course within 30 days of beginning service.
    3. Read and sign the Archdiocesan policies of conduct.

    You may complete these requirements by accessing the Virtus Database.

    Feel free to contact any member of the staff if you have problems or questions about your efforts as a minister at our parish. The Church is made up of many hands and feet that make up the Body of Christ. We are so blessed with the gift of your time and talent.

    Safe Environment2

    Protect and Heal

    Please report any suspicion of abuse or individuals who are violating policies or are involved in unethical conduct.

    Visit the Protect & Heal website, which includes a robust Q&A document and shows how our archdiocese has been taking this topic seriously since the 1980s. All of these cases are decades old. The Safe Environment Program has been a very successful prevention program.

    Victim Assistance Helpline

    To report any suspicion of abuse by any Church personnel, please contact local law enforcement. In addition, anyone who has knowledge of sexual abuse or misconduct by a member of the clergy, an employee or volunteer of the Archdiocese of Seattle should call the Victim Assistance Helpline at


    Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting

    The Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service (CBAR) has been established to receive reports of sexual abuse and related misconduct by bishops, and to relay those reports to proper Church authorities for investigation. Where a report includes a crime, such as the sexual abuse of a minor, it will also be reported to civil authorities.


    Call the EthicsPoint hotline or report online to identify any ethical violations or violations of archdiocesan policies in Many Gifts, One Spirit, our pastoral and sacramental policies. EthicsPoint is an independent third-party company that provides a confidential hotline so anyone can report concerns about suspected financial or human resources misconduct while remaining anonymous.