Parish Groups




Thank you to everyone who attended, volunteered at, procured for, or prayed for the Gala Auction on Saturday. It was a joyous celebration of community! Our Youth came out to serve the dinner, our Young Adults, Faith & Brew group, and Preschool Parents all showed up in force, which was truly exciting to see. Thank you for those of you who ventured out in the dark to support your parish – thank you to the people who provided the food we ate – thank you to our priests who supported the parish on this special night. Thank you one and all. Together we grossed just over $100,000 including ~$31,000 for the Fund-a-Need. If you wish to contribute to the general success of the auction or the Fund-a-Need you can still do so. Donations should specify what you wish your donation to go to in the memo line.


The following won the raffle prizes:

  • 1st prize went to parishioner, George Gillespie who is donating the $2,000 prize back to the parish.
  • 2nd prize went to preschool parents, Brandon and Ashleigh Simons.
  • 3rd prize went to preschool parent, Susann Cech.

Thank you to everyone who bought a raffle ticket!

Bowling Tournament

Thanks to all who could spare the time to be at the bowling tournament on April 13! Fr. Vu enjoyed striking up some fun with all of you. We hope you had a ball!

Congratulations to our winners!

  • 1st Place Male: AJ Mijares
  • 1st Place Female: Joan Capili
  • 2nd Place Male: Mark Matz
  • 2nd Place Female: Oreli Madayag
  • Closest to Fr. Vu’s Score: Jeff Berosik
bowling tournament (1)

Emergency Preparedness Committee *New*

If you have a background in Police, Fire, military, or you are just an organized person, and interested in helping us prepare, we would love to have you join us in thinking through planning for emergencies. Some examples include: If we experience a large earthquake during Sunday Mass – what would our response look like for our parishioners? What about the broader Finn Hill community? What is a reasonable response? What are we called as Christians and a Light on Finn Hill to do? We will be reviewing scenarios in this manner for many different emergency situations.
Staff is investigating the purchase of a storage container and we need your help and support to determine what we need to purchase and how much to store. Students who need community service hours will be welcome to join especially as we move forward from planning into action.
This will be a limited-time, perhaps a year long commitment (depending on how often we meet and how much research is required). Please contact the parish office if you are interested. Thank you for your consideration.
emergency preparedness

Facilities Committee

Glen Rollman, Committee Chair •

The Facilities Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm. We can use your help and ideas. Anyone interested in joining the Facilities Committee is encouraged to contact Glen.

Are you handy and like to help?

Greg Leptich, Facilities Manager •

There are always a lot of projects and jobs to be done around here. Anybody willing to spend a little of their time would be much appreciated.

Adopt-a-Garden Bed

Tony Zimmerman •

Join the program and pick out a spot on our property to beautify. This has become a very successful and rewarding program to everyone, especially from the pride you feel from working in our beautiful gardens to make them even better!

Helping to Feed Our Friends Garden Group

We are excited to expand the garden this year, with the help of a $5,540 grant from the St James Foundation of the Archdiocese of Seattle and a $1,000 grant from Catholic Community Services Rice Bowl Program. Interested gardeners are needed as we raise produce for those experiencing food insecurity. All are welcome to join our Garden Work Party, Saturday, March 15, 9am-12noon. Bring your favorite tools and help us get this garden started for the season! Please contact Susan,, for information

june bed
Helping to Feed Our Friends Garden Group Work Party 3-15-2025 web

Finance Council

Mary Alice Hanken • 425-655-3200

The Parish Finance Council is an advisory and consultative body that assists the Pastor with the responsibility for parish financial management and accountability. Current members are Mary Alice Hanken, Joel Katterhagan, Fred Janssen, and Autumn Salazar.

Offertory Counters Needed

Offertory counters meet Monday mornings at 8:00am and it takes about an hour. This requires a person who is careful and can count. The candidates will need to submit and pass the archdiocese background check prior to volunteering. We currently have two teams that alternate weeks so this is not a weekly obligation. Please contact to apply. Thank you for your consideration!

Golf Tournament

The 2024 DEL AND DARLEENE BROWN COMMEMORATIVE GOLF TOURNAMENT was on Friday, May 31. It was great to get out on the golf course and celebrate the wonderful lives of Del and Darleene Brown and the past 7 years of Fr. Vu as our Pastor with a love for the Lord, Mama Mary, and golfing. Thank you to Mike Archer for organizing this tournament! Thank you to our Sponsors! Thank you to everyone who attended! You helped raise over $5,000 for our parish and its outreach programs.

1st Place Team: Jim Dowling, David Dowling, Jim Jergens, and Jeff Jergens

2nd Place Team: Fr. Vu Tran, Joel Katterhagen, Elliot Bucu, and Khang Cung

3rd Place Team: Chris Klepper, Jovi Legaspi, April Reagan, and Wani Higgins

Men's Long Drive: Jovi Legaspi

Women's Long Drive: Wani Higgins

Men's Closest to Pin: Jeff Jergens

Women's Closest to Pin: Mary Carter

Hiking Club

Are you interested in hiking but never find the time to go? Join our SJV Hiking Club! We are open to trail recommendations from our hiking enthusiasts. We are taking a break through the rainy fall and winter months. Please check back in the spring for our next hike. Contact Susan for more information:

Knights of Columbus

Brad Lund, Grand Knight •

Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to males 18 years of age or older who are practicing Catholics. Meetings are every third Thursday of the month at 7:00pm! For more information contact the Grand Knight. Learn more


Moms Meetup

Calling all moms, especially moms with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and elementary school-aged children! Please join the "SJV Moms Meetup" Facebook group for updates about our monthly meetups. Hope to see you there!


Pastoral Council

The parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body to the Pastor, to help him with the pastoral needs of St. John Vianney Catholic Church, in her mission to be a light of Christ on Finn Hill for all people.

Current members are (Top L to R) Ron Petrusha, Catalina Usandivaras, Mary Torbenson, Colin Radford, (Bottom L to R) Neetha Tomy, Connie DuPuis, Connie Lambert, Lori Fitzpatrick, Lynae Leptich, (Not Pictured) Tony Frandanisa, and Joan Sullivan.

To contact the Pastoral Council, please send an email to

Partners in the Gospel

Now that Partners in the Gospel is going into effect, the Pastoral Council is meeting regularly to discuss and facilitate the transition to the parish family. We will keep you updated about any new developments that affect SJV through our column, What’s New in Partners in the Gospel at SJV.

If you have suggestions about ways in which we can work together with Holy Family Kirkland, or ideas about how the transition can help us better evangelize the faith, feel free to speak to a member of the Pastoral Council. For questions about Partners in the Gospel, email us at


Quilters Group

Every Wednesday morning at 10am there is a wonderful ministry of quilters that meets to make quilts for those in nursing homes or recovering from an illness. Anyone can join them in the social hall! It is a stitch!


We meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Social Hall. We play three or four games (very flexible) and then finish with the Left Right Center dice game. You do not need to know how to play. Both games are simple and quick to learn, and old timers will be happy to help you learn. Open to everyone! Hope to see you!


Senior Dinners

If you are 55 or older, we would like to invite you (single and married couples) to our monthly dinners held the 2nd Saturday of every month after the 5:00pm Mass.

Our goal in joining together as a group is to become better integrated in our faith community and grow in our faith - to develop deeper relationships with each other as well as with our Lord and Savior. And it's a great night out of fun and fellowship! After dinner we will play the Left, Right, Center dice game, so remember to bring four quarters. $10 for food and fun. Please prepay with cash and sign up at the parish office. Friends are welcome!

Senior Resources

Senior Dinner

Women’s Book Group

The first Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm, our Women’s Book Group gathers with wine and chocolate to discuss a book that has been chosen by the group. You do not need to read the book to come to the book group.

December Book:

Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan

January Book:

Cherished Belongings by Gregory Boyle

women's book group